
December 18, 2009

Elections Under His Eyes

Originally uploaded by Avdeev Max

"Members of election committee seen at a polling station in the village of Duripsh some 70 kilometers from Sukhumi capital of Georgian breakaway region of Abkhazia. The portraits in background are victims and heroes of Georgia-Abkhazia war in 1993. 12.12.09"
writes Avdeev Max

I am looking at this picture and can't believe that this world of soviets still exist. Are you sure it's not some old film from soviet era? Is it all real?

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Sure! it unfortunately exists. and more worse, people in village Duripsh are proud of they "house of culture" (how it was called in ussr). They aren't connect the interior with past or with fears of soviet era.


It's time to talk!